Treating These Underlying Conditions Can Boost Your Fertility

According to the World Health Organization, 15% of reproductive-aged couples struggle with infertility. In many such cases, there are one or more underlying factors that can be treated medically or surgically to improve fertility.
Our team of reproductive specialists at University Reproductive Associates, located in Hasbrouck Heights, Hoboken, and Wayne, New Jersey, work with many single persons and couples trying to become pregnant and advise you on how to boost your fertility either medically or surgically. Here are some common conditions we treat.
Endometriosis and endometrial polyps
More than one out of ten women between the ages of 15 and 44 have endometriosis, a condition that causes polyps or endometrial tissue to grow in places it doesn’t belong. When it grows in the fallopian tubes, it can cause infertility by blocking the egg’s path to the uterus.
In some cases, we perform hysteroscopic surgery to remove polyps or laparoscopic surgery to remove endometrial and scar tissue. That clears the way for normal egg maturation and descent through the fallopian tube for fertilization and implantation in the uterine wall.
Insulin resistance or PCOS
Diabetes and insulin resistance are often related to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS affects an estimated 10% of women of childbearing age. It is a condition caused by hormonal imbalance and causes many symptoms, like weight gain, irregular periods, unwanted hair growth on the face and chest, and infertility.
Our team creates a weight loss plan and provides medications that promote regular ovulation to counter the suppressing effects of insulin resistance on your body. If these methods don’t work, we recommend in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to help you become pregnant.
Uterine growths
Uterine fibroids (myelomas) or a uterine septum (a wedge of tissue that divides the uterus into two sections) can also cause infertility by making it difficult for an embryo to implant in the uterine wall.
Septums and smaller fibroids are removed by dilating the cervix and passing a small camera and tiny surgical instruments through. Larger myelomas are removed using surgery with an incision in the lower abdomen similar to a C-section.
Thyroid or pituitary gland issues
More than 12% of women will experience an underperforming thyroid (hypothyroidism) in their lifetime. For many, that means struggles with irregular periods, difficult menstruation, and infertility. The pituitary gland, which also produces hormones related to reproduction, can also cause infertility problems if it is enlarged.
Hypothyroidism is treated with oral medication to boost hormone production and fertility. Your pituitary gland, if enlarged, is treated with a different type of oral medication to reduce growth and restore normal hormone production.
Are you experiencing infertility? Contact our team at University Reproductive Associates for a consultation by calling 201-288-6330, or visit our contact page for more information.
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